
To support all cost associate to school operational cost, Sukma Foundation invites all individual or companies around the world to be the donator to ensure the learning process will run as it must do

Member of Donatur

  • Benefactor USD 100.000 ~ above (annually)
  • Patron USD   10.000 ~ above (annually)
  • Supporters USD     5.000 ~ above (annually)
  • Friends USD     1.000 ~ above (annually)- 

Foster Parents for Education Adoption Program

The purpose of Education Adoption Program is to remove financial barriers to adopted children who not otherwise have an opportunity to get the best education due to the tsunami disaster. By being an education adopted parent, we already support the sustainability of Aceh children learning process.

This program is a scholarship program for the tsunami and earthquake victims and also the poor family who live in the closer region that are the students of Sukma Schools.

  • Elementary Student : Rp. 255.000 / month = USD 28.33
  • Junior High Student incl. Boarding : Rp. 768.000 / month = USD 85.44
  • Senior High Student incl. Boarding : Rp. 768.000 / month = USD 85.44

Note :

  1. Assumption : USD 1 = Rp. 9.000,-