The SUKMA BANGSA SCHOOLS in Pidie, Bireuen and Lhokseumawe is constructing on the land plots provided by the local governments. The construction costs are funded by the public donations through SUKMA Foundation.

These Schools will not charge the tuition fee from students and the funding will be taken from the goodwill revolving fund, namely the funds which hopefully will be raised from the public donations entrusted to the Media Group. To supervise and nourish the Schools, Schools Councils will be established, of which the members will comprise local community leaders.

To mark the commencement of the Humanitarian Superior Schools (SUKMA) in three rate complexes in Aceh, namely in Pidie, Bireuen, Lhokseumawe cornerstone laying ceremonies were held in Pidie, Bireuen on 4 May 2005, in Lhokseumawe on   5 May 2005, and Sukma Bangsa School has been dedicated by the President of Republic Indonesia, Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono, on July 14th 2006 and has began the learning process for Academic Year 2006 – 2007.




To create positive educational environment for the Indonesian male and female citizens in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to enhance the quality of Indonesian human resources with academic competence, skill and moral integrity.


  1. To administer dynamic, creative, participative teaching and learning aimed to develop the various potentials the students own;
  2. To provide content knowledge, life skills and social skills;
  3. To develop the students’ leadership potential, mental attitude this is open and tolerant.


  1. To create independent, intelligent learning community with civic values.
  2. To apply Schools management that is transparent and accountable.
  3. To develop the student’s competence in the mastery of science and technology, human relations, independent personality in terms of their intellectual, emotional and spiritual capacity.
  4. To encourage community-based learning.
  5. To become educational innovation development center for the Schools around Sukma Bangsa Schools.


Sukma Bangsa School is fully managed and controlled by Sukma Foundation. Students of Sukma Bangsa School for 2006 – 2007 academic years until 2011 – 2012 academic years will be free from any charges and get the full scholarship for completing their education in Sukma Bangsa School. Accordingly, there will be 14.580 students of Sukma Bangsa School getting the full scholarship until 2023 (the last graduation year of full scholarship students of Sukma Bangsa School)